Upload Directory

Indie Drop-In is accepting episode submissions for the following shows

To upload an episode you must create an account
Please make sure to read the frequently asked questions to ensure your show qualifies.

Live Podcasts

True Crime – All true crime sub-genres are accepted
Get on the schedule now!
Listen to the show here.

Comedy – The one rule for this show is the episode must be focused on comedy.
Listen to the show here.

Scary Time – Stories can be real or fake. They can be about monsters, aliens, ghosts, possession, demons, or anything else related to scary and paranormal topics.
Listen to the show here.

Horror Fanatic – Movie, TV, Book, or other media reviews along with anything else that a Horror Fanatic might find interesting. Some examples include conventions, cosplay, interviews with people in the genre, collectibles, etc. 

Please note: This podcast has two options for features, episode uploads, and top 5 lists. 

Science Fiction Fanatic – Movie, TV, Book, or other media reviews and anything else that a Science Fiction Fanatic might find interesting. Some examples include conventions, cosplay, interviews with people in the genre, collectibles, etc. 

Please note: This podcast has two options for features, episode uploads and top 5 lists. 

Fantasy Fanatic – Movie, TV, Book, or other media reviews and anything else that a Fantasy Fanatic might find interesting. Some examples include conventions, cosplay, interviews with people in the genre, collectibles, etc. 

Please note: This podcast has two options for features, episode uploads and top 5 lists. 


Indie Drop-in shows set to launch once the submission threshold has been reached.

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